Category Archives: Anti-Human Trafficking

JONES DAY TALKS - Human Trafficking and Ukraine

JONES DAY TALKS®: The War in Ukraine’s Human Trafficking Risks

Jones Day partner Harriet Territt talks with Val Richey, Special Representative and Coordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings at the OSCE, about the urgency the war in Ukraine is creating relative to human trafficking. They also discuss related supply chain issues, and actions businesses can take in the continuing fight against this global issue.

Read the full transcript on the Jones Day website.

Helping Health Care Providers Fight Human Trafficking

Health care providers hold a unique position in the fight against human trafficking. To help them understand their reporting and education obligations related to anti-human trafficking activities, Jones Day has prepared “Human Trafficking and Health Care Providers: Legal Requirements for Reporting and Education.”

Jones Day’s Alexis Gilroy, Curt Kirschner, and Taylor Goodspeed, along with Dr. Hanni Stoklosa of HEAL Trafficking and Claire Zangerle of the American Hospital Association, explain how hospitals and providers should use the tool, Talk about how providers can overcome barriers to identifying and reporting trafficking incidents, and discuss the significant role of telemedicine.

Read the full transcript on the Jones Day website.