Category Archives: ESG

JONES DAY TALKS®: Riding the Green Bond Wave: Focus is on Standards as Volumes Surge

JONES DAY TALKS®: Riding the Green Bond Wave: Focus is on Standards as Volumes Surge (Encore Presentation)

Takeaways from this discussion:

  • Green bond issues are surging worldwide, eclipsing US$257 billion in 2019.
  • Major corporates, including many not usually associated with climate initiatives, are bringing green bonds to market, spanning the investment grade and high-yield spectrum and including more exotic instruments as convertibles and covered bonds.
  • Green bond qualifying standards in Europe differ from those in the United States. An EU Green Bond Standard may be adopted as early as Q4 2020.
  • First-time issuers should plan time to calibrate their green bond framework and prepare for reporting requirements, enhanced investor outreach, and potential for liability.
  • “Greenwashing” remains a concern.

Read the full transcript on the Jones Day website.