Image of gavel and Euro symbol

La crise des « emprunts toxiques » en France | France’s Toxic Loans Crisis

Depuis une quinzaine d’années, des centaines de collectivités locales françaises avaient contracté des emprunts à taux structuré indexé notamment sur des parités de devises ou des écarts de parités de devises afin d’optimiser leur conditions d’emprunt. A partir de 2010, la crise des dettes souveraines a provoqué une baisse très significative du cours de l’euro par rapport au franc suisse notamment et de nombreuses collectivités locales ont alors fait face au renchérissement des taux et des conditions de sortie de ces prêts. Frédéric Gros, associé du cabinet Jones Day, nous en dit plus sur ces emprunts structurés et sur les contentieux initiés par les collectivités locales contre les banques. 

During the last decade, hundreds of French cities agreed to enter into loan agreements at a structured rate tied to the foreign exchange market in order to improve their borrowing conditions. Since 2010 , the sovereign debt crisis led to an unexpected fall of the euro versus the Swiss franc, and many French local authorities (cities, départements, and lands) had to face expensive interest rates and onerous exit costs for these loans. Jones Day partner Frédéric Gros talks about these structured loans and the numerous lawsuits made by the French local authorities against the banks.

Image of Supreme Court

SAS Institute Inc. v. Iancu: A Game-Changer for Patent Litigation and a Check on Government Agency Overreach

In a Supreme Court matter argued on behalf of software developer SAS Institute Inc., Jones Day successfully challenged part of how the U.S. Patent Office’s Patent Trial and Appeals Board conducts its inter partes review proceedings. But that’s just half the story. Jones Day partners Greg Castanias, Dave Cochran, and John Marlott explain why the Supreme Court’s decision has significant implications for cases involving government agency overreach. 

Medicare Appeals and Telemedicine Reimbursement

Jones Day Talks Health Care & Life Sciences: Medicare Appeals and Telemedicine Reimbursements

A recent Fifth Circuit decision is good news for health care providers struggling with the Medicare appeals process, but the agency’s limited reimbursements for telemedicine services continue to frustrate providers. Jones Day’s Ann Hollenbeck and Courtney Carrell explain.

Image for German Whistleblower podcast

Deutsche Unternehmen: Sind Sie auf die EU-Whistleblower-Richtlinie vorbereitet?

In Europa wird es demnächst neue Regeln für Schutzmassnahmen für Whistleblower in Unternehmen geben, die Betrug, Steuerhinterziehung, Verletzungen von Arbeitsschutzvorschriften und ähnliche Missstände melden. Ein von der EU-Kommission veröffentlichter Richtlinienentwurf soll Whistleblower vor Vergeltungsmaßnahmen schützen und gleichzeitig spezifische Meldewege und Reaktionspflichten für Arbeitgeber einführen. Die Jones Day Partner Karin Holloch und Markus Kappenhagensprechen über die Neuerungen, die die Whistleblower-Richtlinie für deutsche Unternehmen mit sich bringen wird, wie sie sich auf das deutsche Arbeitsrecht auswirken wird, sowie über die Berichts- und Compliance-Anforderungen der Richtlinie. 

Image for German Whistleblower podcast

German Companies: Are You Prepared for the EU Whistleblower Directive?

In Europe, corporate whistleblowers—those employees who report fraud activities, tax evasion, security breaches, and similar offenses—have new protections on the way. A draft Directive published by the EU Commission shields whistleblowers from retaliation, while also implementing specific reporting channels and response requirements for employers. Jones Day Düsseldorf partners Karin Holloch and Markus Kappenhagen talk about the changes the whistleblower Directive will bring to German companies, how it will affect German employment law, and the Directive’s reporting and compliance requirements. 

Jones Day Talks Intellectual Property: Monkey See, Monkey Sue?—Copyright Implications of the “Monkey Selfie” Case

The “monkey selfie” matter raises intriguing questions regarding the current state of U.S. copyright laws. Courts have ruled that a non-human can’t be granted copyright protection, but then what are the implications for works created via artificial intelligence? Jones Day partners Meredith Wilkes and Emily Tait discuss the aftermath of Naruto v. Slater and explain how companies can guard and protect their creative work.

Jones Day Talks Health Care & Life Sciences: False Claims and Private Equity, and Rideshare Apps Race into Patient Transportation

Jones Day’s Ann Hollenbeck and Courtney Carrell discuss an unexpected False Claims Act action as a private equity firm faces FCA liability. They also discuss the implications to consider when Uber, Lyft, and other rideshare apps transport health care patients.

Jones Day Talks Intellectual Property: Blurrier Lines and Narrow Grounds—Implications of the Ninth Circuit’s Blurred Lines Decision

When does inspiration turn into copyright infringement? The line is getting blurrier. Jones Day’s Meredith Wilkes, Anna Raimer, and Aryane Garansi explain how the Ninth Circuit’s decision—on “narrow grounds”—in the Blurred Lines appeal left key questions unanswered.

Jones Day Talks Technology: Autonomous Vehicles─Ethical Issues Confronting In-House Counsel

Autonomous vehicles, and their artificial intelligence-driven operating systems, raise ethical questions not usually associated with a technological advancement. This means complex considerations─sometimes with life-or-death implications─must be addressed by in-house counsel at the organizations developing self-driving cars. Jones Day partner Paul Rafferty identifies these concerns, discusses how they are addressed by current law and professional guidelines, and explains how affected companies and their legal staffs can learn more.

Jones Day Talks Health Care: Health Care’s Eventful Start to 2018

In the first in a series of Jones Day Talks Health Care & Life Sciences podcasts, Jones Day’s Ann Hollenbeck and Courtney Carrell discuss vertical mergers, False Claims Act developments, an advisory opinion concerning gainsharing, and updates on association health plans.